Free SEO Responsive Template for blogger 2021
Some Free SEO Responsive Template for blogger 2021

Hello friends! Friends, today I have brought a very useful article for you. I will tell you in this article about (Free SEO Responsive Template). With the help of which you will be able to download Free SEO Responsive Templates for your WordPress or Blogger website very easily, and you can make your blogger or WordPress website premium by using that SEO Responsive Template.

Friends, you will get this SEO Responsive Template for free., you will get to see some advanced features in this Template. Your SEO Responsive Template is absolutely SEO friendly and fully responsive so that your website will be ranked by Google quickly. 

 if your Template ie theme is not responsive, then your website will open very slowly, which the user does not like at all, in which case the user leaves your website and moves to another website.

Well, we leave all these things and come straight to our topic. I was going to tell you about the Free SEO Responsive Template, Friends, let's start.

1. New Seo - new SEO This is the first Free SEO Responsive Template, you will find this template on this website ( Friends, this theme is a very beautiful theme. You get a white background in this theme, which is very important for your website theme.

 if the background of your theme is white, then your website opens quickly. you find a place on the top side to apply responsive ads to this theme, where you can add Google Adsense ads.

 And you also get a social share icon under every post, with the help of which you can share your post on social networks. And friends, you get navigation bar and sidebar features in this template. You can make your blogger or WordPress website fully responsive by using this theme, that too for free.

( You can download this theme by visiting this URL.

2. publisher- this is their second SEO and google friendly free SEO templates for blogger. This theme is also a better theme than the previous one, in which you get two navigation bar one on the top side, in which your (Home, Contact us, About us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer) page comes up. And the social following icon is also found on the right side of the same navigation. Which gives your website a new look.

in the navigation bar below you can add your label. And you also get the features post and random post under the navigation bar. And you also get a social plugin in the sidebar, in which you can add the URL of your social site.

you also get the option to add the page in the footer (Home, Contact us, About us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer). If you want to download this theme, you can open and download this link (

you will find lots of similar free responsive blogger templates on this website. All you have to pay attention to is that your theme is responsive and the template should have a background white. So that your website is fast.

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