How To Start a Blog - on WordPress and Blogger Free

How To Start a Blog in 2021 - On WordPress and Blogger

Hello friends, today we will talk. How to start a blog. Today in this article, you will be told through the website how you can start a blog for free. You can also get paid plan. Friends, we will tell everything about this article very well, just stay on our web page, friends and know about this topic. Friends, before that we will know what a blog is.

    How to start a blog-

    Friends, if you want to make a blog website and earn online, then you have to follow some steps for this, with the help of which you will make a good blog. Friends, to give you a list in this article. You just have to follow that list.

      Select a perfect niche for your blog:-

    Friends, first select a blog type that you will provide on your blog. This will make it easier for you to purchase a domain for your website. Friends, you need a domain to start a blog. Which you can buy from any domain providing website. But before taking the domain, you should definitely see how much the renewal charge is from the website from which you are taking the domain.Friends, I mean that when you buy a domain from a website, its price is initially low, but when you renew your domain after one year, you have to pay a lot of charge. So when you take the domain, then check the website thoroughly.

    Choose a blogging platform:-

    Now it comes to choose which blogging platform. Friends, there are two most popular platforms for blogging, with the help of which you can create a very good blog. But you get only one of the two platforms for free, called Blogger. Blogger is a Google product that is absolutely free. If you host your website from a blogger then you will not have to pay any kind of money. 

    The same if you create your website on WordPress, then you have to pay for it. But if you have just started blogging then first start your blogging career with Blogger.Blogger offers you everything for free, here you get hosting and SSL certificate for free so you don't need to spend any money at all, just take a domain and add it with Blogger. Your website will be ready. But if you create your own website on WordPress, then you have to pay money there.

    Pick a domain name:-

    Friends, whenever you buy Domino for your blog, keep in mind that the topic on which you want to blog must be in your domino. For example, if you want to provide technology-related information on your website, then you have to put technology or technology in the keywords in your domain. So that your website gets ranked in Google quickly. Friends, keep in mind that you can always buy Fresh Domains or you may face difficulty in taking approval of Google Adsense.

    Get a web hosting account:-

    You need hosting when creating a website like WordPress. If you build your website on Blogger, then you need hosting there.

    But if you want to create a website that looks great, then definitely buy a hosting. You get (S-Panel) with hosting, with the help of which you can install a premium website by installing WordPress on your website.

    How to create a website on Blogger -

    First of all, you have to go to the blogger's official website
    Now you will see the Create Your Blog button in the middle of the screen, you have to click on it. Now the signup page will open in front of you. Here you have to enter your Gmail account address and password and click on Next.

    Now a page will open again. Now here you have to give the title of your blog and the URL of the blog below and click on CREATE BLOG. Now your blog has been created.
    Friends, I will bring in my next article about how the theme is put in the blog and how to create a blog page, navigation bar.

    Write content and promote your blog:-

    The main point of the Friends blog will be the content of the blog. Friends, after creating a blog, to take the approval of Google Adsense, you should have 20 work posts on your blog, which are not copied from anywhere. If your post is copied, then you will not get the approval of Google Adsense.