Best Free Keyword Research Tool  #Google Keyword Planner 

Best Free Keyword Research Tool  #Google Keyword Planner

As friends, after reading the title, you must have known what I am going to tell in this article. Friends, I have not been able to cover some topics in the title, so let's first know about them.

    In today's content, I will tell you about some keyword research tools and Google Keyword Planner how you will be able to plan keywords for free with the help of these free keyword research tools.

    Friends, I will also tell you about a free Chrome extension in this article, with the help of which you will know about the monthly search of that keyword in the search result of your Chrome. Come on guys, we talk directly about our content and tell about it.

    We will only talk about free keyword research tools in it. First of all, I will tell you about Google Keyword Planner which is Google's free tool. Friends, the same happens with some blogger brothers that when they open Google Keyword Planner, they reach another page.

    How to Login into Google Keyword Planner ⇉ 

    First of all, you have to open Google Chrome in your laptop or computer, after that go to the search bar and type in Google Keyword Planner and click on Enter. And in a few seconds, a link to Google Keyword Planner tool will appear in front of you.

    After this, you can either click on the title of the link containing Google Keyword Research Tool or Keyword Planner. Whichever of the two you click on, you will go to the website of Google Keyword Research Tool.

    As soon as you click on the keyword research tool, a new page will open in front of you. When you turn the page slightly down, you will see the button below (go to Keyword Planner), you have to click on that button.

    Now you will reach a new page again. In this page, you have to sign-in with your Google account and login to this Keyword Planner tool. You will be able to access this tool's dashboard as soon as you log in.

    Below I have given some images that you can research keywords by following

    Keyword Research Tool ⇉ #Google Keyword Planner #Keyword Finder

    Keyword Research Tool ⇉ #Google Keyword Planner #Keyword Finder

    Keyword Research Tool ⇉ #Google Keyword Planner #Keyword Finder

    Free Keyword Search Volume Checker Extension ⇉

    Friends, let me tell you about a Free Keyword Search Volume Checker Extension. With the help of this free tool, you search any keyword in the search bar of Google Chrome and find the search volume of that keyword.

    #1. First, you have to open Google Chrome browser on your computer. After that, friends, you have to click on the application written in the top left of your browser. A page will open as soon as you click on that tab.

    #2. Now you have to click on the web store, as soon as you click on the web store, a new page will open again. Now you will see the search bar in the top left side. Now you have to go to that search bar and write (Surfer) and click on enter. And the extension has to be downloaded.

    You have to download the extension you see in the photos below.

    Keyword Research Tool ⇉ #Google Keyword Planner #Keyword Finder

    #3. You will see this extension on the right side of your computer. You do not need to do anything in that extension. Now whenever you search a keyword in Google chrome, you will know the search volume of that keyword, which will make it very easy to write the article on that topic.

    And friends, you will also get some keyword ideas in the bottom side, which is very helpful for you.