Youtube SEO Tips _Benefits of Youtube SEO
Youtube SEO Tips _Benefits of Youtube SEO

Hello friends, how are you friends, today I will tell you about YouTube Channel SEO. If you want to grow your YouTube channel quickly, then you have to use some tricks for this. You will be able to grow your YouTube channel with the help of these tricks


    And within a few months, you get a lot of subscribers and your monetization starts and you start earning well. If seen, SEO and advertising prove to be very effective to increase subscriber and watch time.

    You can grow your YouTube channel by SEO and you can also increase the watch time and subscriber of your YouTube videos by running ads from social network sites like Facebook, Linked In, Instagram, etc.

    First of all, we know how SEO helps in expanding YouTube channel and what tricks are used for it.

    Youtube SEO Strategy 

    Under this you have two factors, the first one is (1) Backlink (2) Keywords - Friends, these two factors make your YouTube SEO very much better.


    # 1 You can choose a website with higher authority to create backlinks, but always keep in mind that whenever you create a backlink for your YouTube channel, only create a backlink to the website related to your content

    # 2. You can also develop your YouTube channel through a website, for this you have to have a website. If you do not have a website, then make a website and put your video on that website.

    Friends, I would like to tell you one more thing that you should buy a domain and host it with your blogger. This will also allow you to take approval of Google Adsense.

    You will benefit from creating a website that whenever you publish a video on YouTube, you will be able to put that video on your blog website as well. You will benefit greatly from this. Let me explain you well.

    Suppose your video is on a good keyword and its search volume is also high and if your website ranks on that keyword, there will be a lot of traffic on your channel. I hope you understand.


    If we talk about keywords, then keyword is the most important part for any website or YouTube channel, without it no website or YouTube channel is able to rank.

    Suppose you bring some visitors to social media by sharing a link to your website or YouTube channel, but it will not help you unless there is organic traffic to your website, neither your website nor YouTube will grow.

    Advantages of creating a website for a YouTube channel 

    # 1 You can send traffic to your YouTube channel with the help of your website. For this, you have to write an article related to your video and embed the video in the article.

    #2. After posting you have to go to your website and copy the URL of your post.

    #3. After that you have to go to the Google search console and submit your URL, now friends, if your keyword has ranked first on Google, then you will get very good traffic for your YouTube channel.

    #4. By doing this you will get a double benefit. Traffic will come on your website as well as on the YouTube channel.

    #5. After doing all this you need to create a backlink. The more backlinks you create for your website, the sooner your website will rank in Google.