Best Method How to Delete Pokes on Facebook

Best Method How to Delete Pokes on Facebook (Full Guide)

    Today we will know what pokes are. And how to delete it. Today's content is going to be very fun. Read this article fully and you will understand it completely. But before that I would like to clear a concept. Right now some people may not even know what pokes are and how to use them. So we will first tell you about what pokes are.

    What is pokes

    poke means to meditate or to make one's own finger. We poke when we message someone on Facebook and that person does not reply to your message, then you can poke it. 

    When you poke him, a poke notification goes to him. By which he comes to know that he poked him. 

    Then that person can poke you back. poke works more when someone reports spam on your Facebook account. When someone poke you on Facebook and you (poke back), a positive signal goes to Facebook. And Facebook comes to know that this Facebook account is not fake. Due to this, your Facebook account is never blocked. 

    But sometimes we accidentally poke at someone else (Facebook id). And we want to delete that poke, but we do not know how to delete poke, because of this we could not delete it. But in this article today I am going to tell you about this topic. 

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    How to Delete Pokes on Facebook

    How to view Facebook pokes

    1. First you have to open Facebook in your phone or laptop computer
    2. Now you have to click on the three-line given in the top right side
    3. Now come down a little and click on Settings. 

    Best Method How to Delete Pokes on Facebook

    4. After clicking on settings, scroll down and come down and click on (Activity log). 

    How to Delete Pokes on Facebook

    5. Now here you will get all the activities of Facebook like -like, search, etc. 

    6. In the top side, you will see the fitter option, click on it. 

    7. Now a filter's popup page will open below, there you will get two options (1) category (2) Date. You have to click on the category. 

    Delete Pokes on Facebook

    8. Now the list of all the categories of ActiveT log will open in your phone. Such as - Your Post, Activity you're tagged in, interactions, group event, and short video activities, profile, your connections, logged actions, and other activity.

    From this, you can delete the activity log of any category. But in this article, I will tell you only how to delete poke. 

    9. To delete poke activity, you have to click on interactions. A popup will open again and there will be a list of some category shows there. 

    10. Now below that list will be the poke written show. Now click on it once. Clicking, a new page will open. 

    Best Method How to Delete Pokes on Facebook

    11.  On this new page you will see a list of all pokes, you have to click (three-dot) and delete all the activities by clicking on the log. 

    Now you all will know how to delete pokes. Apart from this, you can also delete all these activities such as -Your Post, Activity you're tagged in, interactions, group event and short video activities, profile, your connections, logged actions an other activity 

    What do you do when someone pokes you on Facebook:-

    When someone pokes you on Facebook, you can also poke it back.

    You just have to follow the steps mentioned above.