Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook - Full Guide

(Fixed)Why I Tag Someone on Facebook - Full Guide

    Hello guys !!! Today in this article, I will tell you about some of Facebook's errors. Some people are asking on Google, why can't I tag someone on Facebook? Today we will talk about this topic only. And will give you the correct information. But before that, we will talk about what is a tag and why it should be used and what are the benefits of tagging, so without losing time we increase our topic.

    What is Facebook tag?

    You must have heard and seen the name of the tag on Facebook, Instagram, etc., but you will still not have the right information about it. You will know everything by reading the article till the last. Whenever you upload photo videos on any social media platform, you definitely do the tags. 

    When you tag someone in your post, a notification goes to them. And your post used to show on your friend's timeline. If your friend has kept the tag closed, then a notification message will be sent to his phone. If he approves it then your post starts showing on his timeline. 

    By tagging, the notification goes to not only your friend but also all his friends. Notification goes to all the friends with whom you tag your posts, videos. And those people can like, comment and share your post. 

    But some people face a problem in Facebook's account and they are not able to tag, today we will talk about troubleshooting this problem. 

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    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook Post(Complete guide)

    This problem is very common, often this problem is faced by the user of Facebook. There is a some easy solution to this. You have to follow some steps. To solve this problem you must have your phone and Facebook is also required in that phone. Now I am going to tell you more about it.

    [Solved]can't tag friends on Facebook

    Step #1. First of all, open Facebook Messenger in your Android or (iOS). 

    Step #2. (Three-line) (Tab) will be visible in the top side of your Android or (iOS) phone, you have to click on it. 

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook

    Step #3. Now you have to scroll down and go down and click on Settings. Now you will reach a new page.

    Step #4. Now you have to scroll down and come down and you will see the option of Profile (Tag and) in the privacy section, you have to click on it once. By clicking, you will reach a new page. 

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook - Full Guide

    Step #5. Now you will see the settings of Tagging in the middle of your Android or (iOS) phone screen, you have to click on it. 

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook - Full Guide-tagging

    Step #6. Now you will see four options here. You have to click here (Friends of Friends). I am saying this because if you click (Everyone), then everyone will post on your Facebook profile (Timeline). And it can put vulgar image videos on your profile. 

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook - Full Guide

    why can't I tag somebody on Facebook (New method for problems)

    If even after using all these methods, your problem is not solved, then I am telling you a new trick. This will definitely solve your problem. And this trick is very simple. The only disadvantage of this trick is that you have to use custom tags every time. You have to use this trick in this way. 

    Step #1. First of all, you have to create a new post. Like you create a normal post. You will see that when you add a photo for a Facebook post, it is written on it (Write somethings here). 

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook - Full Guide-write somethings here

    Step #2. You have to write your friend's name with @ inside the box of that (Write somethings here). Using this trick will solve your problem 100%. 

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook

    Why Can't I Tag Someone in a Comment on Facebook

    The main reason for not being able to tag some people in comments. Let me tell you in detail about this topic. There can be two main reasons for this. (1) The person you want to tag in the comment will go to your tag settings and close the tag. (2) And another reason is your Facebook account may have gone into spam. For this reason, you cannot tag anyone in comments. 

    If your Facebook account does not have all these problems, then you should update the software once. Maybe this will solve your problem.

    Why Can't I Tag Someone on Facebook Page?

    Sometimes it happens that you post posts that are against the standards of Facebook, due to which you have problems in tagging on Facebook. Either you use Facebook tags incorrectly, that is why your Facebook account is affected. 

    You should read the Facebook Community Guidelines for more information. You will get good information about Facebook from this and you will not have any kind of problem. You will be able to use Facebook for a long time. 

    Facebook tag not Showing up

    Such problem starts when you use more tags. By using more tags, your profile goes into spam and your imposed Facebook tags are not visible. But we have a solution for this. 

    You should not use Facebook tags while posting, first publish the post and then edit and add the tags. When you use more tags, your post goes into pending. And your tag does not appear.